茶山部落Chashan Tribe


Chashan community is located in the most southern territory of Ali Township, Chiayi County. The location is link with three cities, southern to Kaohsiung and western to Tainan. Due to these advantages of the region, our community could developing some different industries than the Tsou tribe. Our main economic agricultural products are bamboo shoots, camellia oil, cordia dichotoma and sugar cane.


Chashan tribe’s biggest feature is that its’ well-known pavilion culture, you can see all kinds of pavilions (hufu) almost everywhere in the village. The pavilions are mostly made of thatch, bamboo and timber. By using wood carving, stone carving, and totem to telling a story as their peculiar chashan culture.

涼亭文化是茶山部落族人交流的重要推手,在鄒族人的生活中,涼亭是集會與分享的小天地,有的族人甚至會把採收下來的水果掛在涼亭裡,和大家分享。就連外來的遊客都可以自行取用,取用前請說一聲aveoveoyu ─鄒語的「我心喜悅」,表達心裡的感謝。

The pavilion culture is an important connection of the Chashan tribe. In the life of the Tsou people, pavilion is the place to get together and share. Some people even hang fruit which they harvest in the pavilion and share with others. Everyone can take the fruit and say”aveoveoyu” before take it, which is Tsou language means “my heart rejoice” to express their appreciation.